Transactional Model

Implementing an ERP solution is not like buying and installing a dishwasher. The ideal ERP partner works with you to develop a deployment plan, manage the implementation project, and provide ongoing long-term support.

So, what does an ideal partner look like? What criteria will you use for this important choice? Here are a few suggestions.

Technical expertise

It goes without saying that a thorough knowledge of the software is essential. But that is not all, your partners need to:

  • Understands how ERP solutions will integrate existing software, systems, and processes.
  • Look for certifications, awards, recommendations, and reputation evidence.
  • Collaborate closely with the software vendor to remain up to date on the technology.

Industry expertise

Besides being an expert in the technology, your partner should:

  • Familiarize and have experience with the process and business requirements.
  • Have technical knowledge and expertise in working with others in your field, which are essential.
  • Be conversant with the teams’ industry language and best practices.
  • Be cognizant of the teams’ industry regulations and compliance requirements.
  • Find a partner with a successful deployment track record.
  • Understand your needs and goals.


An ERP deployment can last months, requiring hundreds of decisions and many late nights. Your team must be able to:

  • Interact with implementation partners throughout the deployment.
  • Trust their technical expertise such as work ethics, personal interaction, and communication.
  • Be comfortable with and confident in the partnersproviding consistent and reliable services.

Operating model

Choosing the right ERP implementation partner is just as important as choosing the right software. Why choose us?

  • 30 years of experience and many successful ERP deployments in line with the developed Operating Model.
  • We have the technical and industry expertise to make your implementation project successful.
  • Contact us and let us show you how we can become your trusted partner.
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We are an International Group of high-level, skilled, and experienced professionals in finance & operations who have supported, advised, and given hands-on help to hundreds of companies worldwide.

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SBFO About us
We are an International Group of high-level skilled and experienced professionals in Finance & Operations who have supported, advised and hands-on helped hundreds of companies worldwide.
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