Private Capital Facilitation Service

Fund your project and get professional assistance from the best in the market today!

Acceptance of projects is determined by a qualification process that is correlated to professional experience, the team in charge, and market trends.

In the case of seed capital and scaleup operational businesses, the evaluation is based on financial projections and future milestone planning.

Our mission is to nurture the entire process, providing a detailed and a thorough due diligence study for maximum approval probability, best adapted to the requirements of our investors and lenders. The process is multimetric assimilation coordinating market research, feasibility studies, financial modeling, and correlating every information about the business with a specialist entrepreneurial team guiding the whole process.

Our internal process is dynamically designed to fit all business models, and is approved and highly trusted by our lenders and investors.

Why choose us

Extensive support services including advisory, transactional procedures, and building the best case for approval.

Due Diligence (DD) Assessment (KYC).
Perfecting the SBFO Standardised Executive Summary.
Loan application review and fine-tuning (improving approval odds).
Evaluate the loan repayment capability (Financials Assessment, SBFO’s standardized Financials template, and troubleshooting when needed).
One-to-one matching of projects or companies with prospective lenders to ensure loan requirements fit the criteria of both borrowers and lenders.
Fast decision process: LOI will be decided within a maximum of 2 weeks upon completion of executive summary and financial projections.
Personal and direct contact with the lender, an action that significantly increases the turnaround time for acceptance of the project, and subsequently, a faster pay-out.


Private Capital Facilitation Services (PCFS)




  • Suitable for acompany that requires a combination of our other two packages: Standalone Company (SKU: SBFOS001) and Group Company (SKU: SBFOS002).
  • Please check the criteria page before applying.


  • Being placed ona VIP list and priority case.
  • Assistancefrom our team with evaluating your financial projections, advising on, and fine-tuning your project.
  • Access to apool of our legitimate lenders and investors with terms that meet your requirements.
  • Assistance from our team in the loan application form.
  • Assistance from our top executive officers in meetings with investors.
  • Full advisory support until funding is secured. Free registration on three nicheequity platforms and two niche lending platforms.

SBFO GLOBAL is not a Broker/Dealer and may not negotiate on behalf of either party in any transaction.

About us

We are an International Group of high-level, skilled, and experienced professionals in finance & operations who have supported, advised, and given hands-on help to hundreds of companies worldwide.

+358 45 2374054
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SBFO About us
We are an International Group of high-level skilled and experienced professionals in Finance & Operations who have supported, advised and hands-on helped hundreds of companies worldwide.
+358 45 2374054
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