Terms like “digital transformation”, “new ways of working”, “change your operating model”, “adapt” and “new normal” abound in the business, IT, and management press. However, little is known about what this entails in practice or how to address these issues. Much appears to be left to expensive consulting firms staffed by MBAs, who appear to sweep in, change everything, and then walk away, leaving you with a large hole in your pocket.
The key to addressing the need for change is to have the right operating model — whether that is starting with the right one for a start-up or adapting or recasting your existing one for an established organization.
Our view is that the operating model determines how the business delivers the value its strategy describes by using people, processes, and technology. It turns the ‘what’ into the ‘how.’ Thus, it is also a key prerequisite for a business to have a well-structured, considered, and actionable strategy. “
Understanding how the business operates and the path to generating value is critical to the success of your organization. This is true at all levels of the organization.
Understanding the operating model can be traced back to 1962. Alfred Chandler, a Harvard Business School business historian, then wrote the seminal book “Strategy and Structure:
It indicates that a portion of the organization’s strategy and mission is also unclear and/or poorly communicated. Repair that, begin organizing around your strategy, define and expand your operating model, and your strategy will be realized.
Once your strategy is in place, it will lead and guide your operating model! Your operating model is now operational, aligned with the strategy, and delivering on its promises. But what are the advantages? It will cover:
An operating model converts all these topics into models, maps, and charts that help communicate how the organisation works:
We can easily define the transactional model (ERP) and look for the right vendor, implementer, and project manager.
The complete setup of the system, including the latest best practices for sales, manufacturing, procurement, supply chain and finance, can be easily designed to contain the system’s essentials (core), allowing you to run your business smoothly. We mainly focus on change management, which is another important aspect of making the implementation successfully.